Reward Society
(Reg No: 80/95 of 200 under Tamil Nadu Registration act 1975)
(Rehabilitation Empowerment Welfare And Resources Development Society)
Youth Skill-Placement, Recruitment-manpower,women and child development
REWARD Society has involved in formation of self help groups in villupuram district. The SHGs have been formed in all 22 blocks with 1000 panchayats. There are 2554 SHGs have been formed with the 45972 members in the most backward areas of the Districts. The total savings of a single SHG is around Rs. 86400. An average one SHG have got 3 times of linkages with the Bank and the financial institutions. A sum of Rupees around Rs. 3 to 5 lakhs have been obtained as Loan. The major portion of the loan has utilized for the livelihood purpose and around 20% of the amount has been utilized for the consumption purpose.
The REWARD has given Job Oriented Skill training for the Youths leading to employment in Wage employment and self employment.
The REWARD has been selected by Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihood Mission (TNSRLM) to serve as Block Disabled Mitigation and Rehabilitation Facilitation Agency (BDMRFA) to provide service to the Disabled and Vulnerable people. The Project has been taken in Villupuram district covering Three Block with 170 panchayats. There are 1626 Disabled and 2117 Vulnerable have been identified through participatory identification of Poor methodology. Empower and mainstream the disabled abled and most vulnerable by proactively including them during social mobilization and institution building of the Project there by providing livelihood opportunities, quality of life and securing their dignity. The REWARD has been able to reach the marginalized like the Disabled and Vulnerable and bring them into the mainstream. Apart from assisting disabled SHGs, financial assistance is also arranged by the REWARD through the Panchayat Level Federations and Village Poverty Reduction Committees from the Banks and financial institutions to the disabled and vulnerable persons individually for starting livelihood activities.
Some of the Project interventions are:
The MKSP project has been implementing in Koliyanur and Tiruvennainallur blocks of Villupuram District. The core activity of the project is to educating and assisting the women farmer and formation / strengthening their own institutions on sustainable agriculture and allied activities
The REWARD Society has been selected as out sourcing the Man power agency for implementation of SBM in Urban area. The project is implemented in urban area covering the great Chennai Corporation, 12 Town panchayats, PIU of Vellore, Chengalpat, Madurai, Tirichi and Tirunalveli Regions. The REWARD to supplement and complement the efforts of the SBM with additional specialist manpower to complete the task required at hand.
The details of staff members given so far: